Friday, May 14, 2010

Though In Fancy

From Millstreet in Duhallow I live far away
Though in fancy I've been back there many a day
'Tis late April there now in the prime of the Spring
And in the groves and on hedgerows the nesting birds sing
And amongst the rank rushes the male pheasant crow
In a riverside field where Finnow waters flow
The old fields lush and green after recent showers
Are looking resplendent in their Nature's flowers
And the hawthorns cloaked in their blossoms of white to light gray
They do look their finest in the first two weeks of May
In those old fields I grew to love Nature when I was a boy
And my walks in her quiet places I still do enjoy
And in my flights of fancy I hear the silver tongued rill
By ditch and by hedgerow babbling down the hill.

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