Tuesday, December 21, 2010

'Tis Not Unusual

'Tis not unusual that the one who owes you money is usually slow to pay
But if you owe such to someone that person may ring you every day
And even threaten you with violence and promise to re-arrange your face
That people can be bashed over money often is the case
People have been murdered because of money or due to it in other ways have died
Such as by aggressive creditors driven to suicide
Crimes related to money nowadays in the World to say the least are rife
Some people value legal currency more than they value human life
Many because of money resort to violent crime
And become guests of the State in jail serving prison time
With those who say money is not everything i for one cannot disagree
But those who are short of it do know of poverty
And 'tis unusual for the one who owe you money to immediately send you a cheque in the mail
It can be a source of the worst crimes and because of it many are in jail.

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