Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Ugi Is A Border Collie

To Genevieve and Graeme he is a devoted friend
He will love them and admire them till his life come to an end
All he asks for his undying devotion is to be fed once a day
For a lifetime of companionship not a big price for to pay
Ugi is a border collie six going on seven years old
A lovely black and white dog quite a beauty to behold
When they come home from work each evening he is waiting by the gate
His hairy black tail wagging as if to say how are you mate
Big and sturdy for a border collie but not vicious in any way
A trusting and devoted companion true to type as one might say
Dogs in a whole more trustworthy than people why otherwise pretend
Ugi his masters Genevieve and Graeme with his life he would defend
Ugi is a border collie true to type and true to breed
To his Masters ever faithful for a few pats and his daily feed.

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