Monday, January 10, 2011

A Godless Infidel

I do not have a god to pray to or believe in a heaven or a hell
Perhaps i am an atheist a godless infidel
One of the lost souls of the Planet to die and be no more
My best days long behind me i am four years with three score
A toast to every atheist of beer, spirits, stout or wine
With them i share some common ground their thoughts similar to mine
On religion and God's existence though to many our thinking is a threat
For we firmly believe in one thing there is no life after death
When you declare in public that to a god you do not pray
You make yourself a social outsider or it does seem that way
To respect the beliefs of others does seem a moral thing
Though 'tis not the praises of a god that atheists ever sing
With every atheist in the World some common ground i do share
We are not the sort of people to frequent a house of prayer

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