Sunday, April 17, 2011

So Many In Dire Poverty

Life is hard for those on the wrong side of the social divide
At a time when the gap between the haves and the have nots it is growing ever wide
On this matter with those who say such is life i'm not one to agree
The unequal distribution of wealth does seem all wrong to me
That for one to grow wealthier more go deeper into poverty
Only goes to show how poorly structured human society must be
In the Human World the most materialistically minded are most likely to succeed
The financial rewards it does seem are great indeed for greed
In a Human World where many are in poverty and the majority of the wealth owned by the few
On saying that humanity is based on inequality i'm not saying anything that's new
Millions living in dire poverty for every billionaire
For the have nots of the World life must seem so unfair
So few own the majority of the wealth in the Human World of today
and so many in dire poverty does seem so sad to say.

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