Saturday, October 1, 2011

Music To Some

Of their choice of entertainment they seem far from discreet
Their car stereos blaring as they drive on the street
What is music to them does not seem so to me
But then most of us look at things in ways quite differently
Their turbo charged car engines roaring drown out all other noise
Suppose girls will be girls and boys will be boys
Of the praises of wisdom comes with ageing you may hear some sing
But then one may add to that youth must have it's fling
Of what to them is music they must feel quite proud
Since in public places they turn their car stereos volumes up loud
Before they have reached the prime of their lives their ears they have not spared
Some of them in their thirties will be hearing impaired
Their music blaring loudly noise does become
But then what to me is noise is music to some.

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