Monday, October 31, 2011

Why Tell Me About It

Why tell me about it since i know all too well
That for millions of people life is an earthly hell
Amongst them laughter is something you never do hear
Since to their lives happiness does not live anywhere near

They have lived with hunger and oppression for many a year
Of the murder squads of their dictator they do live in fear
Most of them grieve for kin and family who have met with foul play
Those who dared to speak the words their minds told them say

By autocratic regimes their human rights transgressed
The have nots of their countries the homeless and oppressed
Where for a few to grow wealthy millions in poverty
It can be so dark the dark side of humanity

Why tell me about it when i already know
That where weeds are abundant the flowers cannot grow
So many poor people in the Human World of today
Whose rights are transgressed in the worst possible way.

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