Sunday, October 2, 2011

You Keep Battling On

You work hard for very poor wages your employers do not treat their employees unfair
For years you've been financially struggling and of better times you often despair
With a wife and three young children to support and food to buy and bills to pay
The struggle just for to make ends meet is the challenge you face every day
You are one of many poor people in a downtrodden working class street
Yet you never complain as some do what life serves you like a man you cop sweet
You work hard to support your family and of hard times you are one who does know
But you sow the seeds of good karma and in life we do reap what we sow
You keep battling on through the hard times for you perserverance will pay
And your patience it will be rewarded and good things will be your's one day
Why some people who work hard do financially struggle is way beyond me to explain
For you life is one mighty battle though of your lot you never complain
Tough times will not last your whole lifetime fortune favours the brave as some say
And change will come to you for the better when lady luck will smile your way.

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