Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Wherever My Travels Take Me To

Wherever my travels take me to my past it keeps following me
The old fields i loved in my young years embedded in my memory
The silver tongued rill from the high fields goes babbling by ditch and hedgerow
And i still see the hawthorns of Maytime cloaked in their blossoms as white as snow

To the fields where i grew to love Nature the Seasons do come and do go
The old fields that remain as ageless whilst time it has become my foe
Yet i can visualize the male robin singing on a leafy alder tree
The summer sunshine on his red breast his way of proclaiming territory

In far fields by northern mountains my love for Nature began to grow
But the more that i do learn of her  the more i realize so little about her i know
She never does cease to amaze me i learn from her every day
Our Earth Mother the one who supports us to describe her the words i do not have for to say

Wherever my travles take me to the past with me does come along
In my flights of fancy the chaffinch on a silver birch tree is on song
Cattle by the day are getting fatter on grass lush from recent spring showers
And the old fields are looking resplendent in Nature's own wildborn flowers.

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