Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Since I've Never Been One

Since i've never been one for to take a dare
Any stories of self bravery i do not have to share
As some do with friends when they do socialize
As is said by the wise 'shut mouth never catch flies'
I do feel that such advice does serve me well
Since of any acts of bravery on my behalf  i do not have to tell
A good run is always better than a bad stand has always been my way
Perhaps one reason i am healthy and living today
Fortune favours the brave as some are known to say
Though many for their extreme acts of bravery with their lives had to pay
Though of stories of great bravery one often does hear
One secret to a healthy and long life is of death to live in fear
Since i have never risked my life for God or Country
Fortune favours the brave does not apply to me.

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