Thursday, March 22, 2012

Go Sing Me A Rhyme

Go sing me a rhyme of the wild birds of song
Who in their nesting time of year sing all the day long
On every bush and on every tree
When there is so much beauty in Nature to see

Go sing me a rhyme of the unsung of the town
The people who take care of those feeling down
In them there is so very much to admire
Of singing their praises could one ever tire?

Go sing me a rhyme of the silver tongued rill
That babble on down from the field by the hill
That never stops flowing by night and by day
On to the big river to the sea far away

Go sing me a rhyme of the young girl and boy
Who in the park playground do laugh loud in joy
As they see saw up and down on the see saw swing
The happy sound of laughter is a beautiful thing

Go sing me a rhyme of Nature's roses and flowers
That bloom in the sunshine after Summer showers
A rhyme that is so very easy to write
And for to memorize and to sing and recite.

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