Monday, March 19, 2012

The Narcissistic One

The managing director of the company wears a self satisfied grin
This year six million in annual profit for him another win
He showers on his faitful employees lots and lots of praise
But he is not so forthcoming when they ask him for a raise
At his end of the year company party he puts on a big show
Of his affluence and social rank he likes others to know
The narcissistic streak in him does seem quite strong
To that sort and type he is one who belong
To say that he is in any way near to generous would be telling a lie
His five favourite talking subjects me, myself, my company,  family and i
One who takes love of self one might say a bit far
Never any room for humility where his kind are
He rates as one of the wealthiest people in the town
And heaps of money guarantees one of renown.

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