Saturday, December 1, 2012

Just Your Average Rhyming Fellow

I am not a poet i've never pretended for to be  i just pen simple to write stuff that rhyme
I have been advised more than once by wiser counsel that on my hobby i should call time
But i am honest to them in my answer since one lie  only leads to another lie
I tell them writing rhymes does keep me happy and i'll be penning stuff until the day i die

I write rhymes on the beauty all around me Nature's beauty that i see every day
The birds of song and the wildborn flowers of Nature the pleasant scent of new mown Summer hay
The mountains and the woodlands and the rivers, the buzzings of the nectar gathering bees
The peals of thunder and the sound of rain on the galvanize roof and the wind soughing in the branches of the trees

I write rhymes of people and their joys and sorrows the moods that does afflict the human mind
Of people who are cruel to others and of the compassionate and kind
I pen rhymes of the birds and animals the creatures i often hear and see
One never does run out of rhyme words at least that's how it seems to me

For many years i've  been a rhymer and for longer a rhyming buff
And in close to forty years of doggerelizing i have penned a lot of rhyming stuff
I will not die wealthy and famous and to many people i'm not known
I am just your average rhyming fellow and like it is said to each their  own.

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