Saturday, December 1, 2012

Perhaps The Town's Wealthiest Person

Perhaps the town's wealthiest person but in his thinking quite ordinary
To him there is money in destroying Nature's beauty and in Nature beauty he cannot see
To develop land for  his new building projects his workers cut old growth trees down
Those into preserving Nature's beauty never amongst the wealthiest people of the town
You show one like him a flowering garden and he will only see decay
No money in preserving Nature's beauty and  that does seem a sad thing to say
Less trees for arboreal creatures to live on due to un-necessary human greed
More people who are anti development as friends Nature is of in need
For every tree removed more birds and tree dwelling animals homeless and that does seem a sad thing to say
Habitat destruction and Climate Change the main causes of species of wildlife extinction today
Due to human greed Nature's creatures suffer due to habitat destuction less songbirds to sing
Due to our greed we are robbing our Earth Mother of her beautiful music of Spring
You show  to him a flowering garden and an ugly sight he only does see
He has grown wealthy from destroying Nature's beauty which makes  him quite ordinary to me.

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