Sunday, December 30, 2012

The Bocce Players

In the all weather crushed rock surfaced shade covered bocce playing square they meet every day
To play bocce for a few hours the men from far away
A sort of bowls game that some Italians like to play
It is each to their own as some are known to say
Between games they sit at the park picnic table for to drink and dine
Nothing better with a nice pizza than a glass of red or white wine
And recall with nostalgia in their native tongue
Their first homeplaces in Italy when they were young
Amongst many Italians the bond of community and culture is strong
Their music is of Italy as well as their song
At the friends and family gathering they know how to celebrate
When they drink, dance and make merry such joy they do create
There is laughter and joy when the bocce players come to play
Their favorite game in the bocce playing square every day.

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