Tuesday, January 22, 2013

I Keep Rhyming On

For many years i have been a rhyming buff
And i am one who has penned many pages of stuff
My best years in life to the forever gone
But true to my calling i keep rhyming on

Since in it for me no fame, reward or pay
Some advise me for to give rhyming away
But to them of course i do never pay heed
Since of their sort of advice i am not in need

I never feel short of things in rhyme for to say
A man who loves rhyme i do rhyme every day
To rhyme is so easy as easy as can be
At least anyhow that's how it seems to me

Enjoyment from penning rhyme my only gain
And as a writer of rhymes i do hope to remain
And since with rhyme words i am one who does love  to play
I hope to be rhyming on my life's final day

If i told you otherwise it would be a lie
As a rhymer i live and as a rhymer i will die
The rhymes come to me in notebook i pen them down
But never for money or literary renown.

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