Thursday, March 14, 2013

My Heroes And Heroines

My heroes and heroines are not celebrated yet they are compassionate and caring and kind
Their type are rare and getting rarer since to selflessness they are inclined
They work to help the poorest of people for love of humanity not pay
Yet for their work they are taken for granted and this does seem a sad thing to say

They work for the  Stateless and homeless yet they do remain as unsung
Some in mid life and some aging and some  of them energetic and young
To helping the poor and the needy their time without pay they devote
But they never make the news headlines the greedy than them seen to be more worthy of note

My heroes and heroines good people they perform their good deeds every day
Helping the poor of the poor suburb or in refugee camps from here far away
The World better for them living in it to their higher selves they are true
For themselves they sow the seeds of good karma and good things in life is  their due

My heroes and heroines always helping the people that governments choose to disown
The people by many forgotten from birth great hardships they have known
They are extraordinary people and they deserve the title of great
Yet it is the self centred and the power hungry that the masses do celebrate.

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