Thursday, April 18, 2013

Margaret Thatcher

Though she was one who had known a far better day
The woman who for years commanded great power Margaret Thatcher has passed away
Britain's only woman Prime Minister in eternal rest lay
Though nice things about her some do not have to say

Though to the poor of Great Britain she was not a friend
One can only hope for her that her life came to a peaceful end
It was not out of any acts of kindness that she won her fame
The Iron Lady for her it did seem an apt name

But she is deceased and like it is said
One ought not to speak any ill of the dead
Though courage of her never could be denied
In Britain when she was Prime Minister the gap between the poor and the wealthy grew wide

She had her admirers and they were those who wished her in hell
And to the scythe of the Reaper of Lives she eventually fell
One can only hope that from life her's was a painless release
And the late Margaret Thatcher may she rest in peace.

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