Tuesday, April 30, 2013


The cock pheasant today is cucking in the field where the green rushes grow
And the white breasted dipper is singing where the river rapids does flow
And the bluebells in clusters are blooming on the the ditch of the pebbly bohreen
And the old fields in their flowers of Nature are looking so lush and so green
The hawthorns are looking resplendent cloaked in their white blooms of the Spring
And the male robin his orange breast puffed with song on a leafy birch tree does sing
The skylark rises from the bracken and carols as upwards he does fly
And singing as he is ascending a musical speck in the sky
In the place where i grew to love Nature where i grew to a man as a boy
And learning of the ways of wild-born creatures is always a great source of joy
The cattle out of wintering sheds on lush grass are gaining weight by the day
And the swallows are chasing flying insects home to breed from Lands far away
How marvelous the great gift of memory it is such an amazing thing
It can take us to far away places in the beautiful prime of the Spring.

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