Monday, April 29, 2013

On What We Are Doing To Our Planet

The numbers of the human population increasing in every Country Worldwide
And far too many homeless and hungry and of a fair go in life are denied
Death does make everyone equal though in life many know of inequality
So many by circumstance of birth condemned to live in poverty
The war supposed to end all wars ended nearly a century ago
Yet many wars have been fought since then we are told who is our friend and our foe
By our so called democratically elected government who send troops and fighter jets to Lands afar
Just to support those that they do call our allies suppose any excuse for a war
Yet despite wars and drought created famines  the numbers of the human population is on the rise
And that our Mother Earth is struggling to feed us does not come as any surprise
Since due to human created carbon emissions more crops by extreme weather are being destroyed
On what we are doing to our Planet for us there is not any pride
If we had respect for our Earth Mother people of hunger would not have to die
And that all babies are born as equal must surely be based on a lie.

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