Saturday, June 29, 2013

Most People Have Their Worries

Most people have their own worries or so it would appear
And of your life's problems few do wish for to hear
When you are in trouble few for support on whom you can depend
At such a time you do come to know of your true friend
The one with heaps of money his or her friends are not in the few
To this you may well even say do tell us something that is new
But then the super rich though they think they know will never know who their friends are
Since such people for their admirers never need to look that far
Most people have their worries and would you not agree
That you do not wish to know of others worries if you are in poverty
This is how it always is and it always will be
That you know your friends when you are down does make good sense to me
When you do tell to others of the troubles you have known
From them do not expect sympathy if they have worries of their own.

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