Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Inner Strife

It is a creature of the human brain that has ruined many a life
It preys on happiness and mind ease and is known as Inner Strife
Behind it's cloak of unhappiness in the mind it does hide
The creator of depression that does lead many to suicide
It will remain with some who have it until their life does end
And to happiness and contentment it will never be a friend
Pity you familiar to it than it you do not have a greater foe
Though prescribed medication may protect you from the darker side of woe
Those who have it to be pitied since happiness is it's prey
And in the mind it does enter it does often choose to stay
Some do have it for a lifetime it comes in varying degrees
Depresses your human spirit it is an awful disease
It preys on contentment and happiness it does stay with some for life
On the worst enemy i have i would not wish Inner Strife.

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