Saturday, October 19, 2013

Since I Penned My First Rhyme

For the last four decades of my life i have  been a rhyming buff
And in that time it can be said i have penned reams of stuff
I am not a poet never said i was i am just one who pens rhyme
Though some i know do look on this as a big waste of time
I have been told by  more than one if for rhyming you do not receive money as pay
Then the sensible thing for  you to do would be  to give penning  of stuff away
But since rhyming makes me happy i pay them little heed
Since their advice is not the sort of advice i do need
Rhyming does make me happy of this  why should i lie
And i hope to keep doing it until the day i die
The stuff i pen is not the stuff a publisher to publish would sell
The poets do write their poetry and i pen doggerel
Going back to nineteen seventy three and that is going back in time
I have written reams and reams of stuff since  i penned my first rhyme.

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