Friday, November 22, 2013

The Key To The Door Of Success

It is true what is said about money it can prove a huge test for friendship and love
Of all things in life seen as important it does seem it rises above
If you are one who is short of legal tender your friends in the World are few
When i say money is quite important i am not saying anything that is new
The praises of the financially bankrupt anyone never wishes to sing
It is true to be lacking in money for the ego is not a good thing
Money and fame are related at least this is how it does seem
It is a fact many poor people do suffer of low self esteem
The wealthy people that we know of receive all the credit to them due
Those who tell you money is not important are not telling you what is true
Without it you cannot buy the ticket to travel to places far away
Without it you are treated as inferior despite what egalitarians say
It is true what is said about money those with plenty of it many do impress
It surely does speak every language and is the key to the door of success.

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