Sunday, November 17, 2013

We Belong To The Land

Money brings with it responsibility as some do like to say
But with some wealthy people it is not this way
Some do take and take from our Earth Mother and in return to her little do give
And this is how they will be for as long as they live

Amongst the super rich people of the World environmental vandals abound
To come by Mother Earth's resources they dig huge holes in her ground
And where they have been digging signs of damage forever will remain
And when finished they move to elsewhere to start digging again.

Mother Earth's resources have created many a billionaire
Some have taken from her far more than their share
To people addicted to the addiction of money making greed
To multiply their profits in them there's the need

That Mother Earth supports and feeds all life forms including us humans is only telling the truth
And many who have grown wealthy out of her resources seem lacking in ruth
They seem lacking in awareness since they do not understand
That we cannot own what we belong to and we belong to the Land.

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