Saturday, March 1, 2014

They Feel So Superior

They feel so superior of them one can say
The egotistical people i meet every day
Their large egos swollen of self conceit
I never find their sort a pleasure to meet

Though the praises of the town's quiet achievers anyone never does sing
They have the gift of humility and this is a great thing
My respect for such people it only does grow
As they have what is known as the inner glow

One of the town's best places for self promotion is the local bar
A few with big egos there let it be known of how marvelous they are
Of the narcissistic kind every town has it's share
It is a bit sad to think that their kind are not rare

Leave it to others to praise you from self praise abstain
And though some will tell you out of being humble the humble never stand for to gain
The one with humility does not have a big ego to feed
And of more of these sort of people the Human World is in need

Of egotistical people i do know of a few
And in saying the World is not better for them living in it is not saying anything that is new
They never do bring any joy to my day
And to meet them i never go out of my way.

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