Sunday, June 15, 2014

In Climate Change

In Climate Change many species of animals and birds getting rare
Within a decade many more species will be extinct of which we are aware
But that governments place environmentally damaging jobs before the natural environment seems puzzling indeed
As you cannot have good fruit if you do not plant the good seed
Due to human created carbon emissions Planet Earth is warming at an alarming rate
By our greed for money the extinction of many creatures we are helping to create
The Polar ice caps are melting as sea levels rise
Those who are in denial of Global Warming are not very wise
In a World of over seven billion people in Climate Change for many tough times are ahead
In longer periods of drought there will be a shortage of rice and bread
And every day factory chimneys puffing black smoke to the sky
That us humans are responsible for the escalation of Climate Change seems hard to deny
The Polar ice caps are melting as sea levels rise
Those in denial of Climate Change believe their own lies.

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