Saturday, June 14, 2014

Many Things In Life

Many things in life do come at a cost
Though the war has been won human lives for it have been lost
For every battle won the price is huge to pay
There are millions of dead heroes in the World today

The cost to pay high for some things in life
The billionaire who recently divorced his wife
In court his huge financial loss did become her huge gain
The truth in we learn as we live as a fact does remain

For most things in life for to pay there is a price
It never does come cheap professional advice
Sometimes the end  result is not what you did choose
The more money you have the more you stand to lose

That we learn as we live in life is our due
And most things come at a cost happens to be true
Our mistakes of the past we live to regret
But the lessons that came at a huge cost we do never forget.

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