Monday, June 23, 2014

Money Cannot Buy One Happiness

The wealthy and the famous their lives are not their own
For everyone knows their business this is what comes with being well known
The celebrities may be in the news and by many admired
But some of them yearn for their privacy and of their fame grow tired
And some of them grow arrogant fame can go to the head
And some at a young age became addicted to narcotics and are numbered amongst the dead
But most wish to become wealthy and famous in most there is this need
If they are wealthy and admired by many in life they feel they have managed to succeed
One of the happiest people i know of is not a millionaire
An aging widowed grandmother in her seventies yet she seems free of care
She does not wear any makeup her hair is a natural gray
And though she does not have millions of admirers she is happy anyway
Every time i see her she is smiling joy is with her every day
Money cannot buy one happiness as the wise one does say.

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