Wednesday, June 11, 2014

With Me This Is Okay

I have heard that some say of me he is not right in the head
Of penning reams of doggerel one would think instead
That he would take up jogging as many of his age do
He must have a screw loose in his brain or two
Suppose for being seemingly different the price one must pay
In this tribal World we live in today
Where those who are different are seen as not quite right
As if all of our shadows are not dark when walking in the sunlight
And what others in what to them is their truth on what they say of me does suit me fine
Since what is their business cannot be any business of mine
Our different ways makes us more interesting as people it does seem to me
If we all had similar interests and thought in the same way how boring we would be
Though some who know of me of me may not have nice things to say
They are entitled to their opinions and with me this is okay.

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