Saturday, August 23, 2014

Murderous Cowards

For their god they behead innocent people but their god for this do not blame
Since they choose to plant the seeds of their own bad karma and they will die in their own shame
They have lost the right to be called human since such a title to innocent people belong
They must not be mentally balanced their thought process has gone all wrong
They are of the darkest side of humanity the lowest forms of low life they display
They are such despicable people despicable in every way
The vast majority of the people of their religion are good people but their religion they do betray
By their barbaric crimes they do not represent their god or their religion or Country in any sort of a way
By their guns, swords and bombs these bad people they may feel greatly empowered
But by their unforgivable crimes they have proven that everyone of them is a coward
They behead their prisoners and show their brutal murders online how can they feel proud of such a terrible thing
When such great shame on themselves and their people by their despicable crimes they do bring
Put a gun or a bomb or a sword in the hands of a mad man and you create a murderous coward
As the merciless murderer by such weapons is one who feels greatly empowered.

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