Friday, March 27, 2015

Can Anyone Tell Me

Can anyone tell me what are they on about
Those people who on the minds of those of the age to vote sow the seeds of doubt
Of their political opponents of whom they do not have a good word to say
For them power is all important it does seem this way
They seem to think that every voter is gullible which does seem a bit sad
And in their words they try to have us believe that their political opponents are all bad
But if in your mind the worthlessness of their political opponents they have planted the seed
Then sad to say you are very gullible indeed
The majority of politicians are far from honest and lacking in ruth
And when by a journalist or reporter are asked an honest question they seldom answer with truth
Referred to by some as the honorable though many of them of honor seem broke
These people who do treat the truth as a joke
The honorable and truthful politicians to say the least few
On saying this i am not telling you anything that is new.

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