Wednesday, April 1, 2015

No Guarantee

On the length of one's life there is no guarantee
Everyday Life's Reaper claims the lives of people far younger than me
For me like all others a last night and day
From birth to death time ever does tick away
If you have heaps of money you cannot take it with you to where dead people lay
That the Reaper can call on you at anytime does seem true to say
like all other mortals we are born to die
In that respect they are no different to you or i
You cannot take it with you happens to be true
Though happiness through money billions of people pursue
But it is better to be wealthy and unhappy does seem true enough
Than poor and unhappy and sleeping rough
Your money you cannot take with you as the wise one does say
So spend it and enjoy life whilst you are able to it does seem the best way.

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