Friday, April 3, 2015

These Highbrows

These highbrows who can boast of literary degrees
The professors of language of the universities
Decide who is worthy of literary note
A rhymer to them is just not a poet

The people they select as the poets of our time
In their words must never have rhythm or rhyme
Their poems to music must never relate
To them every rhymer is years out of date

To them the words of the rhymers too easy to comprehend
On what to them is true poetry they have set the trend
To them true poets are of an exclusive club
And rhymers have their place in the local pub

For bush poets and rhymers contempt they only show
Of such ordinary people of they do not wish to know
To a new form of literary snobbery to they have given rise
This beautiful thing known as poetry they have managed to polarize

Of who is or is not a poet they do decide
Of the rhymers of the World any hope of fame they have denied
To them rhymers are a product of decades long gone
But rhyme will outlive the last literary don.

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