Saturday, May 23, 2015

The Years Go By So Quickly

The years go by so quickly seems like only yesterday
That i heard the robin singing by my first home in May
The sunshine on his orange breast on a leafy birch tree
In the warmth of the Afternoon proclaiming territory
The years went by so quickly time did not wait for me
And all i have are the memories of the what used to be
Time does not wait for anyone it ticks and ticks away
The schoolboy of the fifties is showing his years in gray
The dark brown river bird dipper with breast as white as snow
His scratchy song was echoing where the babbling rapids flow
I have learned a lot in life since then for that was long ago
And time that ages everyone has since become my foe
And all i have are the memories of the what used to be
Like an orange breast robin singing on a leafy birch tree.

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