Sunday, July 5, 2015

When Ill Used The Word Loser

When ill used the words loser can be such a put down
It is the most abused word in every village and city and town
By ignorant and rude people who think to hurt others feelings is quite okay
In the World far too many of their kind which does seem sad to say
In the English language loser does have it's place
But those who use it as a deliberate put down word lack compassion and grace
Some do find it quite difficult the praises of others to sing
And trash talking to them seems a natural thing
Those who deliberately put others down do lack in empathy
They are of the darker side of humanity
They know how to use their words in a hurtful way
Far too many of their kind in the Human World of today
When ill used the word loser is such a put down
It is the most abused word in every village and city and town.

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