Wednesday, July 8, 2015

You May Feel Depressed

You may feel depressed due to financial strife
But money is not as important as the great gift of life
And though presently you are going through quite a tough time
You have got good health and you are in your physical prime

She may seem to have everything the aged queen
But her physical best years in life she has seen
And she has a genuine reason for fear
With the Reaper of lives to her lurking near

I bet she does wish that she was young again
But her long gone youth she will never regain
She was born a mortal just like you and i
And Life's Reaper decides when our turn is to die

The praises of the wealthy and famous the masses may sing
But than fame and money the great gift of life is a far greater thing
And hope springs eternal in those who to it does cling
The future to you better times well may bring

You may be financially poor but with good health and time on your side
You are free to travel the World is wide
You do not have a wife and young children for to worry about
And the roads from this town leads to north, east, west and south.

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