Tuesday, September 29, 2015

On Badgers

Creatures during the hours of daylight one seldom does see
It is said about badgers that they are carriers of T B
That they spread to cattle though others do say
That it is cattle infect badgers and not the other way
Down the centuries of time at the hands of men and their dogs badgers have suffered their share
An example of this is Badger a great poem by John Clare
About a badger who was beaten with sticks by people and savaged by their dogs and died in a painful way
And sadly poor badgers are suffering and dying at the hands of cruel men every day
I have been learning about Nature's creatures since i was a young boy
And reading poems and stories about badgers today i enjoy
Badgers sleep by day in their sett in the ground
They are mostly creatures of the night and in large numbers never abound
It is said by some that they infect cattle with T B
Though others with this do strongly disagree.

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