Wednesday, January 6, 2016

To Me It Is Quite True

Though the law may not catch up with you Karma will one day
For harming other people there is some price to pay
What goes around does come around does remain ever true
For your wrongs you pay in some sort of a way since this becomes your due
Live and let live as true to life as ever does remain
You hurt somebody in some way then hurt from it you will gain
The law may not prove a case on you and you may not serve time in jail
But Karma will catch up on you and this goes without fail
From the bad seed you sow in life only bad you do receive
This is a law of Karma and on Karma i believe
You may well have outfoxed the law and think you are in the clear
But Karma will catch up with you though Karma you do not fear
The way we do treat others in life becomes our due
Though some may not agree with this for me it is quite true.

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