Monday, March 28, 2016

In My Own Way

It would be hypocritical of me to condemn the slaughtering of life forms since i eat my fill
Of the flesh of creatures that others do kill
I eat meat and fish often though not every day
I help to promote the killing of creatures to be eaten in truth i can say

Though the slaughtering of life forms i do not condone
I should leave it to the non flesh eaters to cast the verbal stone
Since they do not eat flesh they are entitled to say
That the killing of creatures to be eaten should not be the human way

Since vegetarians are known to live long lives without fish and meat
Vegetables and fruits and nuts are all they do eat
For their stand against the killing of creatures to be eaten i can only admire
And of singing their praises i for one could not tire

Since to the flesh eating majority i do belong
To condemn the killing of creatures to be eaten of me would seem wrong
I too eat fish and meat though not every day
And i too am a hypocrite in my own way.

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