Tuesday, May 17, 2016

On Noel Browne's Mother And Child Bill

I was only a five years old boy in nineteen fifty one when the Mother and Child Bill of Dr Noel Browne
Due to pressure from the hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church in Ireland went down
Which brought about Browne's resignation as Minister for Health which to history now does belong
Though in trying to financially help single mothers for to raise their children he had not done anything wrong
At a time when the Roman Catholic Church in the Republic of Ireland had great political power
They had a huge influence over Irish Catholic voters and politicians fearing voters backlash from opposing them did cower
Dr Noel Browne who was trying to bring about needed change in Ireland lost out to voter dread
Suppose Noel Browne in his thinking of his time was a person who was decades ahead
There is no politician with courage and ideas for the advancement of the disadvantaged like noel Browne had in the Ireland of today
But that the Irish Roman Catholic Church has lost it's political influence and power seems a good thing to say
In any democratically governed Nation any religious institution should not have any influence over the governing of the State
That the Catholic Church has lost it's political influence in Ireland is something to celebrate
I was only five when the Minister for Health Noel Browne introduced to the Irish Dail the Mother and child Bill
But due to Church influence and voter dread politicians to back him they did lack the will.

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