Saturday, October 29, 2016

Claraghatlea Where I Was Born

Claraghatlea where i was born far north of here and far away
Where i did spend most of my childhood and first looked on the light of day
Where today to most people i would be a stranger many there would not know me
Where i was known to everybody in the long gone used to be

Claraghatlea where i was born it is a grand old place
Where everyone to everyone is a familiar face
Mine to many a familiar face in Millstreet long ago
But time that does rust iron has since become my foe

The old fields i loved of Claraghatlea i know today would look the same
As when i lived there three decades back some of them even had their own given name
The people like Nature's Seasons come and go but the land it does remain
On my flights of fancy i often visit my first home place again

Claraghatlea where i was born in view of high Claramore
Thousands of kilometers even by the shortest route north of this southern shore
In Spring near where Finnow the white river goes babbling along
Male robin with the orange colored breast sings his familiar song.

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