Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Malcolm Turnbull

Malcolm Turnbull the Prime Minister of Australia as they say one not short of a bob
But it is not for the Prime Ministerial salary that he wants to stay in the top job
No Malcolm loves the power and the prestige that goes with the office he hold
He is just like most politicians their principles for power they have sold
Of the poor and homeless of Australia Malcolm does not wish to know
He may say he rules for all Australians the barnyard rooster loves to crow
Malcolm on saying he rules for all Australians with his words he only deceive
His Government legislate for wealthy people only and the poor from them help never receive
One does not become the Government leader by being honest and caring and nice
For most successful politicians for to pay there is always some price
For to climb the political ladder most of them some enemies make
In the lust for the power and the glory big egos are always at stake
And Malcolm Turnbull has quite a big ego which does not come as any surprise
By being a humble and compassionate person to the top job one never does rise.

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