Tuesday, August 15, 2017

I May Be An Internet Rhymer

I may be an internet rhymer a scribbler of mere doggerel
But i too does have my own stories of my journey in life to tell
And i pen rhymes on people and Nature and places i have been to and seen
Too old to worry on the opinions of others of what is or what might have been
In an age when they make legends of idiots why wish to be famous and great
It has been said by some wise people that our own reality we create
If with my thoughts i create my reality so be it is all i can say
I am happy just to be a rhymer and to live life in my own way
Those who ask how much money i get paid for rhyming their question i pretend not to hear
That their main interest in life is making money to me does seem obviously clear
With them i share little in common since with material success with others i never compete
Such people i do find rather ordinary and them i would rather not meet
I may be an internet rhymer in highbrow society an unknown
But i am not unhappy in my lifestyle as is often said to each their own.

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