Friday, September 29, 2017

A Port Fairy Beauty

Her Shoulder length golden hair tossing in the breeze
On a nice sunny September evening of eighteen degrees
With the lilt of joy in her lovely eyes of brown
And a smile on her face in old Port Fairy Town

In the park by Bank St green and lush near the prime of the Spring
The wildborn nesting songbirds did whistle and sing
A Port Fairy beauty free of conceit and guile
Did greet me a stranger to her with a beautiful smile

In a brown cardigan and blue dress wearing summery clothes
A Port Fairy beauty she bloomed like a rose
For her youthful beauty her i could not help but admire
One of the very finest in the coastal Moyne Shire

The sun shining bright in a sky blue ands gray
She did bring a flutter of joy to my day
The nesting magpie larks were singing peewee
And Nature in her full bloom was all around me

The nesting birds singing on the sunlit bushes and trees
And her wavy golden hair tossing in the breeze
The warmth in her smile brought some joy to my day
As with a spring in her walk she went on her way.

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