Friday, July 23, 2010

Since We Are Born As Mortals

Since we are born as mortals why otherwise pretend
The difference between success and failure does it matter in the end
It matters to the living the things known as wealth and fame
But death the equalizer treats everyone as the same
For each and everyone of us there is a final Fall
And what most see as important not that important after all
Whatever you do achieve in life will fade away in time
And fleeting are our childhood years and our lives physical prime
On looking back the Seasons time ticked along so fast
And many spend their twilight years on recalling the past
But the past has gone forever we can only live in the now
And since we are born as mortals like the sheep or horse or cow
To be a successful person treat everyone as equal of every race and creed
And show kindness and compassion to those of such who are in need.

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