Friday, April 30, 2021

John Agnostic

 Those who know him nickname him John Agnostic to a god he does not pray
When people ask him is there a god he says this is not for me to say
And when asked of the after life of limbo or of heaven or of  hell
He says any deceased person i have known to me of those places have not come back to tell
John Agnostic in his dealings with others is as honest as can be
Any of his human imperfections does not include dishonesty
He says atheists do not believe in god on this i do not agree
On the existence of a god us agnostics are quite different and we see it differently
If somebody to John gives proof of god's existence he is open to believe
But like the true agnostic he is a hard one to deceive
Though those who believe in god's existence in his words not one to mock
He would need proof of their belief before he would join their flock
The claims of atheists and believers he treats as the same
John Agnostic is a fellow who lives up to his nickname.

Jacky Winter

 With white stripes above the eyebrows and mostly brown and grey
Jacky Winter sings peter peter in the woodland all the day
Whilst in fork of dead branch the female in small cup grass nest sits on the two pale brown dotted eggs she did lay
Quite unlike her vocal partner she has nothing for to say
In the Spring and in the Summer jacky winter one does hear
Singing his song peter peter his most vocal time of year
He sings with a lot of  volume for a fellow of his size
One of Nature's feathered minstrels who never cease to surprise
To some referred to as the brown flycatcher but as jacky winter better known
Quite a cocky individual who does have ways of his own
For to devour small flying insects from the perch he sings on he fly
Even whilst singing on the lookout for a snack flying nearby
Jacky Winter in the woodland singing his familiar song
Peter peter once you hear him you will never again get him wrong.

The Great Gift Of Memory

 Though some memories of your sadder times to you it does bring
The great gift of memory is such a wonderful thing
As it brings back the memories to you of happier days
And in your mentally down times to your spirits give a raise
One can only feel for those who have lost their gift of memory
How sad for them and their families this has to be
They have lost one of the great gifts any human beings does possess
And with it has lost the human feelings of recognition, sadness and happiness 
Sadly those with loss of memory of the needs of the self  and their surroundings become unaware
Worldwide the victims of alzheimers and dementia are no longer rare
One of Nature's great gifts to humanity
The wonderful gift of memory
Our moments of sadness and happiness to us it does bring
As a gift from Nature quite a marvellous thing.

The Kindest Person

 He loves his children and he loves his wife
The man who is happy with his lot in life
But some of those who know him of him does say
That he is a strange one in his own way
Since he does not play or watch sports on a Saturday
Instead with his children in the park games he does play
And he never goes to the local pub for a beer
For to enjoy the barroom banter and cheer
And apart from never going to the pub
He is not a member of any community club
But the frail ageing widow next door of him does say
That he often helps her and for doing so never accepts pay
And that  they are so small minded those who verbally put him down
Since he is the kindest person in the town.

Thursday, April 29, 2021

Nature And Mother Earth

 So little of Nature i can claim of to know
Though i can tell apart a currawong from a crow
Nature too is our teacher in truth one can say
And we learn as we live something new every day
In their writing students of Nature knowledge of her to us does bring
But of Nature not one living person who knows everything
Some things about Nature remain as unknown
And she is one who does have ways of her own
Everyone who loves Nature is a friend to Mother Earth too
Those who harm Mother Earth to Nature harm also do
The beauty in Mother Earth  Nature helps to create
They complement each other and are individually great
Nature and Mother Earth their wonders are many and their secrets not few
Of them this is not saying any thing that is new.

On Nature

 The natural beauty in Nature to view always monetary free
And every day in her some new wonder to see
To humans so much about her remains to be known
She surely is one who has ways of her own
Nature remains the World's greatest power
From a tiny seed she can create a beautiful flower
In her angry moods death and destruction she create
At her worst she is destructive and at her best she is great
In her peaceful times such joy to so many she happens to bring
And people who love her her praises do sing
Yet the more we learn of her the more we realize
That of her we know little this not a surprise
She is quite amazing of her one can say
And for her beauty to view we do not have to pay.

Their Own Praises

 Their own praises so many do love to sing
In the twenty first century it is an in thing
And though of more of their sort humanity is in need
The humble of mind have become a rare breed
A wise saying from the past that is relevant to today
Self praise is no praise remains true to say
Yet it is not saying anything that is new
That the humble of mind of the World are few
Of their own needs so many only seem aware
The narcissists of the Human World are no longer rare
For this thing known as success so many people compete
The down to earth sort are becoming harder to meet
Yet one fact of human life with us remain
That many must lose for a few for to gain.

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Pay No Heed To The words

 Pay no heed to the words negative people of you do say
To you they are not being helpful in a verbal way
They do not bring you hope when you are feeling down
And sadly no shortage of their sort on your side of the town
Not knowing of their appraisals of you would be better for you no doubt
In your life of their sort you would be better off without
You are not the only one on your side of the town
That in their words they enjoy putting down
The negative judgmental they are everywhere
There are many of them in the World out there
Any nice things of others too hard for them to say
Suppose they are who they are in their own negative way
To what they have to say of you why pay any heed
Uncalled for negative words of you are something you do not need.

Pied Currawong

 Black with some white on wings and tails about the size of a crow
And yellow eyes most people of them do know
In forested regions of south eastern Australia they are not rare
Their loud currawong calls makes one of their presence unaware
Pied currawong are birds that to many are known
Some of them wary of humans and with ways of their own
They rob the nests and kill the young of small birds and kind things few of them do say
And eat fruit and small life forms hunt and kill for prey
The female bird builds flat nest of sticks lined with soft material on high branch of tree
And lay pink spotted brown eggs of one to three
Quite distinctive from all other birds in their way
In most forested regions of south eastern Australia they are seen every day
Their common name comes from their familiar song
Once seen and once heard one can never again get them wrong.

On Land Ownership

 Those who lay claim to Land ownership have got it all wrong
For how can they own to what to they belong?
To the Earth that does feed us we return to one day
And we become part of what we thought we owned life works in this way
Our claim to Land ownership is in a so called paper deed
But we are like the trees that grew from a tiny seed
That fall to human operated chain saw or gale force wind or of old age it is not a lie
Like all living things us humans are mortals and are born to die
And whether our remains are buried to decay or spread as ashes from an urn
To the Earth that does own us one day we will return
And the Land we claimed was ours is owned by someone else by a paper deed of law
And who does own who your own conclusion on this do draw
Those who boast of Land ownership have got it all wrong
For how can they own to what to they belong?

The Unpaid Ego Boosters

 I have never spent one hour of my life in jail
But society looks on me as one who did fail
Like all who do lack in financial success
Our unpaid judges we do fail to impress

For some it is not a nice World to live in
Where many must lose for others to win
In a fair Human World it would not be this way
But in humanity nothing is fair only true for to say

Ego boosters are many they are everywhere
There are billions of them in the World out there
Making heroines and heroes of sports people and entertainers and every billionaire
The easy to impress admirers sad to say are not rare

They never make heroines or heroes of the best people of every town
Who out of the goodness of their hearts help the financially down
For to help to create a better World to live in for all they only aspire
Are they not the people we ought to admire?

Nothing fair for many about living in the Human World of today
Utopia from Planet Earth does seem far away
The unpaid ego boosters every day more big egos create
When the egotistical self centered they celebrate.

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

In This Twenty First Century

 In this twenty first century Human World few angels do dwell
This is something that many of  would know all too well
For the recognition of the impressionable majority in most there is a need
Hence the increase Worldwide of narcissism and greed
A World where so few people with themselves do seem at peace
From the great needs of the self we do need a release
There must be more to life than living for the me, myself and i
The so called egalatarian Human World  is based on a lie
In this age of advanced technology where promotion of self is an in thing
So many their own praises only too willing to sing
Far too much of the needs of the self in the Human World of today
And this seems a sad thing for to have to say
Far more of the kind and the compassionate and generous the Human World of is in need
Since of a better World to live in they do plant the seed.

In Spring In Duhallow

 In Spring in Duhallow a nice time of year
The songs of the nesting birds so pleasant to hear
The Boggeragh Mountains on most days of low fog are clear
And each dawn brings the warmer days of Summer near

The voice of the cuckoo can be heard in May
And the swallows are home to breed from Lands far away
The fields green and resplendent in their Nature's flowers
That bloomed to life in the cool April showers

Cloaked in their white blossoms the hawthorn trees are a beautiful sight
They seem to sparkle after a Spring shower with droplets of rain on them in the sunlight
And the breeding mute swans of feathers white as snow
Swimming in the river pools of the Blackwater their reflections do show

Earthly Utopia is near to Duhallow in Spring
When in the leafy groves the nesting birds sing
And the cattle on nutritious young grass after months of living on silage and hay
Looking quite contented and gaining weight by the day.

Theirs Used To Be

 Theirs used to be an affair of the heart
But love between them has died they have drifted apart
When they meet on the street they have nothing to say
From each other their faces they turn and look the other way
Where love did bloom bitterness reign today
This is the price for love that some have to pay
Former young lovers from the same street of the town
Each by the other feel they have been left down
The strong feelings of love for each other has gone
Only the anger between them lives on
Love that brought them laughter ended for them in tears
And the bitterness between them may linger for years
Loves that last a lifetime to say the least few
And this is not saying anything that is new.

Monday, April 26, 2021

On The Death Of Patrick Goggin Aged Seven

 The deaths of children in war has never been rare
And that war has few happy stories most of are aware
The shooting which resulted in the death of Patrick Goggin in a field at Ballinagree
Just another tragic story of war now part of history

A seven year old boy by the Black and Tan occupying forces perhaps mistaken for a member of the I R A
For being young and having fun such a price the young fellow had to pay
The Black and Tans for his death of course mostly to blame
But in the death of a child they too would have realized that for them not any honour or fame

That there is a heaven for the souls of war innocents seems not hard to believe
His broken hearted mother and father for him left to grieve
Robbed of the chance of  fathering children or of having a wife
At a young age cruelly robbed of his gift of life

Even in the twenty first century children are dying in war zones of the World every day
For the conflict of adults young innocents with their lives should not have to pay
This is war's collateral damage war men may say
But this does not make the death of innocent children in any way as okay

Ireland's enemy in the war of independence is no longer the foe
And since young Patrick Goggin was shot in Ballinagree a century ago
A lot of young children in war have died since then
And have been deprived of the chance of growing into young women and men.

She Will Be Missed

 Curly dark hair and eyes of chestnut brown
The dark skinned young woman the loveliest in the town
Tall and graceful and built like an athlete
Though not into sport quite nimble on her feet
So down to earth one who is free of guile
She greets everyone with a warm and friendly smile
In her early twenties near her physical prime
One young and carefree on the right side of time
From a town up north in kilometres far away
In this southern town not here for the long stay
A few local young men would love her for a partner or wife
But she is one with other plans in her life
Soon she will be heading home up the highway
And she will be missed in the town by the bay.

White Winged Choughs

 Black birds of average size with slightly curved bills  and red eyes
Distinctive in their appearance and their distinctive calls and cries
In a cup shaped mud nest the breeding female two to five brown dotted eggs lay
And the whole family on raising the young a part does play

The white primary feathers when they are on the ground and perched on branches hidden from the eye
But becomes quite visible as they do fly
They find their food on insects when they are on the ground
And they can be quite noisy whilst slowly walking around

That white winged choughs sometimes steal a young male from their neighbours among ornithologists is widely known
Nature for keeping the breeding of wild species pure has ways of her own
The stolen male with the breeding female is the only one who is allowed for to mate
On this way purity of breed they do create

White winged choughs have a patchy distribution they are not to be seen Nationwide
In south eastern Australia only in certain woods they do reside
They are family oriented birds of them one can say
And are quite interesting in their own way.

Sunday, April 25, 2021

There Is Only One Chuck Feeney

 In democratic Countries why do people on election day
Vote into power people who never worked for an honest pay
In a World where the working poor only know of poverty
The gap between the wealthy and poor is widening how sad this seems to be
In a Human World where for one to win big many must lose
And losing is a thing that anyone does not choose
They are of the few the philanthropic billionaire
The Chuck Feeneys of the World to say the least are rare
To worthy causes he gave his vast fortune in money away
If every billionaire in the World were only like him today
The Human World of poverty it would be free
What a huge win this would be for all of humanity
But that there is only one Chuck Feeney happens to be true
And he never receives the respect and admiration he is due.

I Never Tell Others

 I never tell others that i write reams of rhyme
As most of them would say this is a waste of time
Since for doing it i never receive any money in pay
What i enjoy doing is no business of others in any way
Others i never feel out to impress
And of writing rhyme i have never known of monetary success
A hobby to most people to them does not count
The accumulation of money to success only amount
I do not like the Human World today i live in
Where those who accumulate the most money of most people respect does win
Makes people like me feel as failures is how it seems to be
It is based on a lie any talk of human equality
Writing rhymes to other people i never talk about
As their sneers of derision i can live without.

It Can Be A Relative Thing

 It can be a relative thing would you not agree
The one successful to you may not be so to me
Though most view success in a materialistic way
That most is not everyone in truth one can say
Wealthy celebrities and famous people many admire
And of singing their praises never seem to tire
But as is often the case the best people in every town
Do live as even strangers to local renown
The people in life who sow Karma's good seed
By helping those of help who are in need
Though the impressionable majority they never impress
To those doing it tough in life they bring some happiness
The praises of the egotistical self centered the majority may sing
But success it can be a relative thing.

The Lyrebirds Of Sherbrooke

 On their cleared mounds the amazing lyre shaped tails above their backs in a territorial display
In Sherbrooke forest the male superb lyrebirds are singing today
They sing all Winter from the early Fall
Renowned in the Birdworld as the greatest mimics of all
In their song they incorporate the sound of animals and the noise of machinery and the songs of other birds living near
The songs of the male lyrebirds are quite amazing to hear
In the raising of the sole chick any part the males never play
During their breeding Season on their territorial mound they sing every day
A grey and brown bird about the size of a pheasant they are loved and widely known
For their amazing mimicry and songs they are in a class of their own
Those who have heard a lyrebird singing the memory of it retain
For to enjoy when they visit their memories again
How pleasant in Sherbrooks on a chilly wintery day
To hear a male lyrebird singing on his mound in a territorial display.

Saturday, April 24, 2021

An Addictive Thing

 Though to those who have it fame and fortune it never does bring
Rhyming to some is an addictive thing
An addiction in them that is destined to stay
For as long as they live until their last night and day
There are addictive rhymers in every town
Who live in their daydreams of literary renown 
But daydreams are just this and seldom come true
And literary renown in life is not their due
Though most rhymers eventually come to realize
That to expect fame and fortune from writing rhymes on their behalf is not wise
But their addiction to rhyming they do retain
And for as long as they live in them it will remain
Of addictive rhymers far more than a few
And this is not saying anything that is new.

Long Billed Corellas

 Long billed corellas white parrots of the cockatoo family
With long thin hooked upper bill overlapping their  lower bill one often them see
Digging for roots and seeds in flocks on the ground
Within their range in large numbers they abound
With some red around face as well as on breast
In areas of grain crops and fruit trees they can become a pest
As well they can damage parks and sport fields in many a town
The reason the government allow culling to keep their numbers down
Old growth trees with cavities to lay their one to four white eggs in the female corellas need
And due to a shortage of these some of them cannot breed
It is said twenty years is their life's expectancy
In their range everyday they are birds one does see
With their long thin hooked bills digging for bulbs and seeds on the ground
And in large noisy flocks they always abound.

Only Memories Of What Was

 Only memories of what was today i retain
I may never climb on old Clara again
And on it's bracken slopes stand gazing down
On the green countryside and the houses of Millstreet Town
It was my yearn for travel that lured me away
From where i first looked on the bright lamp of day 
Claraghatlea just west of the Town of Millstreet
Near the rushy old fields where the waterways meet
In every migrant the past lives as a memory
Of the what was but never more will be
From living life experiences become our gain
And only the memories of what was with us remain
At midnight the past it will be today
And the now is all that does matter as the wise one does say.

Friday, April 23, 2021

No I Cannot Tell You

 No i cannot tell you i have been there and done that
Though i have worked in pipeline crews in Buninyong near Ballarat
And i have worked on electrical power vehicles above electric powerlines trimming tall trees
A dangerous job that did not entail uni degrees
Long before time did become my foe
In woods i have felled trees going back decades ago
And i have worked in building sites jackhammering all day
Hard physical work that was not matched by pay
I worked in farms as a young man from here far away
And picked potatoes paid by the bag for farmers in May
And nowadays with rhyming words i just love to play
This is nothing to boast of in truth one can say
Going into old age with little money or fame
But despite lack of achievement happy just the same.


 Laughter is an antidote to worry and sadness in truth one can say
And lucky the person who can laugh every day
She or he has happiness with others to share
Though the happy go lucky are becoming rare
They carry joy with them and share it around
And wherever they are happiness does abound
Those known for their laughter have a great gift indeed
Of joy in the World they are sowing the seed
Laughter it is such an uplifting sound
A gift that in many is not to be found
They are lucky people those who laugh easily
They always seem happy and of any cares free
Since laughter keeps worry and sadness at bay
And so lucky are they who do laugh every day.

Long Even Before

 Long even before the first people to it came
The countryside now known as the Moyne Shire was without a name
And the waterway now known as the Moyne to the ocean did flow
How old is this Country would anyone know?
This Country that has inspired the artists and the makers of  story, song and rhyme
Was so very old even in the dinosaur time
It's true written history will never be told
This far southern Country in time is very old
It was there long before the arrival of the people who played the didgeridoo
And long before the birth of the first kangaroo
About it we learn something new every day
We never stop learning in truth one can say
The one who would even guess the age of this Country would be telling a lie
It was there long before the first human was born and will be there long after the last human will die.

Like For Every Bird

 Like for every bird there is a last song to sing
For everyone there is a final Spring
We are born into life to eventually die
The same for the billionaire as you and i
The paupers and those of great wealth and fame
The Reaper of lives does treat as the same
And the longest lived human life is not that long in real time
People age rather fast beyond their physical prime
In some cases alzheimers and dementia attack the ageing brain
And sadly some people their gift of memory they do not retain
To the point that even their nearest and dearest they do not recognize
In life there is joy and sadness from the mouths of the wise
We age rather quickly and time ticks on fast
And at the stroke of midnight today will be of the past.

Thursday, April 22, 2021

The Arrival Of Cook

 Life for Australia's first people changed forever more
The day Cook and his sailors arrived on the southern shore
Their ancestors had lived in Australia for thousands of years
And little realized that the arrival of strangers would bring them suffering death and tears
Cook's arrival in Australia many may celebrate
But the dispossession and deaths of many of Australia's first people his arrival did instigate
Australia's white history has a tainted pride
So many of it's first people in massacres have died
Their children taken from them they were treated bad
And even today that they are not treated by some as equal does seem rather sad
Even some of them are dying in police custody today
And this seems a sad thing for to have to say
Thousands of years living in Australia their history does trace
And they will always remain as Australia's first race.

Live And Let Live

Live and let live as the wise one does say
And never offend anyone in any sort of a way 
Pay to all others the respect they are due
And to your higher self try to remain true
For your good Karma do sow the good seed
By helping anyone of your helping in need
For your kindness to others Karma you will repay
What goes around comes around life works in this way
Some dishonest people do know of financial success
And in so doing the gullible seem to impress
But those by deception who does deceive
The fruits of what they sow they will eventually receive
To your higher self try to live true
And treat others as you would like them to treat you.


 Narcissism is not too much love of self it is self love gone wrong
And to any form of love it does not belong
It is extreme self infatuation and little else more
Narcissists only think of their own needs and the needs of others ignore
It is something most people of would be aware
That the narcissists of the World are no longer rare
But some narcissists are known to achieve great success
Some people are not very hard to impress
It does seem a sad thing to think of or say
That there are many narcissistic government leaders in the World of today
They become dictatorial obsessed with power
Like the weeds of the garden they stifle every flower
Narcissists are people who are extremely self obsessed
And sadly by them many do seem impressed.

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Frank Lowell

 An octogenarian he was a good soul
Koroit has farewelled the likeable Frank Lowell
Pre-deceased by a year by Mary his wife
In Malta he inhaled his first breath of life
In the Moyne Shire a well known and a well liked man
Of time in the World his was a lengthy span
A well educated person quite humorous and kind
He was one of those of a beautiful mind
The charming Frank Lowell was a down to earth bloke
He was one who could laugh at and tell a good joke
The accent he brought with him from Malta far away
Until he breated his last breath in him did stay
Life has an ending as some like to say
The likeable Frank Lowell has lived his last day.

In Mushera Today

 Young lambs on the high fields around their mothers play
And the nesting birds they are singing in Mushera today
The wood pigeons cooing on the spruce and pine trees
On a pleasant April morning of around eighteen degrees

Mushera the old hill above Millstreet Town
On the green countryside as ever looking down
On the narrow and high Butter Road such splendid scenery
Of the undulating country-side far as the eyes can see

When the lark from the heather flies upwards to sing
Mushera is a beautiful place in the Spring
Going back the centuries before the first people to it came
It was an old place that did not have a name

Mushera where Duhallow and Muskerry meet
In the high countryside above the Town of Millstreet
The wild nesting birds they are singing today
In the high woodlands from here far away.

Enjoy Life Whilst You Can

Forgeet about dying and your end of life plan
Just try to enjoy the remainder of your time span
The wealthiest man in the town in the cemetery lay
And his family are squabbling over his vast fortune today
In life one not known to be generous and kind
Never appeared to be happy did not know peace of mind
This time last year he died of a heart attack suddenly
Death treats as equal the billionaire and the one in poverty
No better off now than those who died without a penny to their name
Without any warning death to him came
In his early fifties far from an old man
He died without making a will or having an end of life plan
His family in a court case for the carve up of his estate
Enjoy life whilst you can before it is too late.

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Michael D

 Michael D Higgins the President of Ireland is not handsome young and tall
He is a grey haired balding octogenarian physically small
But the Irish voters re-elected him as president in a landslide
Perhaps the reason for this is he has humor on his side
For a President he does not take himself too seriously
Such a witty and charming person the likeable Michael D
He has already served ten years of a fourteen year Presidental spell
On choosing him for their President the Irish voters chose well
Of the Labour Party he was a Minister in the Irish Government for quite a while
As a politician Michael D was honest and free of conceit or guile
For the President of a Country quite likeable and approachable which is a refreshing thing
Not surprising that many people in Ireland his praises do sing
Since being elected President his popularity in Ireland by the day has grown
The intelligent, witty and likeable Michael D is in a class of his own.

You Gave It Your Best Try

 You gave it your best try but you were not good enough
And losing at any time on one's feelings can be tough 
But you were quite gracious and sporting in defeat
And admitted by one better that you were beat
The will  to do better in you is within
And the next time you may be the one who does win
And though winning is what everybody does choose
Feel proud of your effort although you did lose
Though naturally disappointed you retained a big smile on your face
And only the noblest do lose with grace
There are far more losers than winners in the World every day
Humanity is designed for to work in this way
But you are a person with hope who keeps faith
And everything does come to those who do wait.


 One wonders why the clergy bless the troops for war
Before they leave to shoot to kill others in Land afar
In most Worldwide religions it is seen as okay
That Moses Fifth Commandment is not wrong to disobey
Though many with this bound to disagree
In religion there can be so much hypocrisy
Taking of human life is murder but in war is okay
This does seem quite hypocritical one does have to say
The killing by troops in war is seen as a good thing
And even the clergy in their homeland their praises do sing
This all does seem quite hypocritical to me
Though with my thinking on this most would disagree
Moses Fifth Commandment war soldiers can disobey
For to shoot to kill the enemy is seen as okay.

Monday, April 19, 2021

The Greatest Gift

 In every disagreement there is wrong and right
And life is the only thing worth  to for to  fight
Live for as long as you can live
And any wrongs forgivable against you by all means forgive

And though money is the god of the majority in the Human World of today
Many people to their unseen god do regularly pray
But suppose blessed are they without seeing who do believe
At least they are not of the hard to deceive

The words of the wise are worthy of recall
That to human beings life is the greatest gift of them all
Behind a hearse carrying a wealthy deceased person to a cemetery
A trailer attached is something you never see

That money is quite important why otherwise pretend
And to people Worldwide it is their greatest friend
But far greater than money or any other form of success
Life is the greatest gift anyone can possess.

A Fellow From Millstreet

 Far south of my first homeplace near Millstreet Town
On many a street i have walked up and down
But many have seen more of the World than me
And a fellow from Millstreet is the best i can be
The stay at home people are happy today
They never feel the desire to live in places far away
They will live out their lives where they are loved and known
Where other locals accept them as one of their own 
The happy at home people at home happy to stay
They have never left their hometown even for a holiday
Whilst the migrants in the pubs songs of their Homeland do sing
Suppose happiness can be a relative thing
Whatever we achieve in life we are born to mortality
And a fellow from Millstreet is the best i can be.

They Call Themselves Hunters

 They call themselves hunters their way of having fun
Is to hunt and shoot to death wild animals and leave them to rot in the sun
Whilst millions of people are homeless and hungry in Countries Worldwide
Some men do have in them a false sense of pride
At their local pub on Sunday evening to themselves they do drink a toast
And of their weekend kills they feel happy to boast
But they never mention they leave their kills to rot on the ground where they lay
Whilst the hungry grow hungrier in the World of today
On their Sunday evening get together in the pub their main topics hunting and football
As if little else in life does matter at all
Some men as they grow older do not grow wise
What it takes to be a real man they do not seem to realize
In the local pub on a Sunday evening they talk and laugh loud
And of their weekend kill count do feel rather proud.

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Driver And Co-Driver

 On a balmy evening for April quite a beautiful day
A policeman patrolling in his patrol car on the Cobden-Warrnambool Roadway
Ahead of him near Laang a red station wagon travelling slowly came into his view
Just another relaxed driver to the cop nothing new

But as he drew nearer to the station wagon to his surprise he did see 
That the driver had a bird perched on his left shoulder he thought this cannot be
A bird as a co-driver i find it hard to believe
Am i having a mental breakdown or do my eyes deceive

To check this one out the policeman did decide
He put on his patrol siren and waved to the car driver to stop at the roadside
he asked John the car driver for his name and address
Having a bird on your shoulder when driving has you in a lawful mess

As for the pink and grey bird on your shoulder what is it's claim to fame
And the parrot said i am a galah and Wonky is my name
She said for a policeman you are quite stupid as well as being rude
Since it is obvious on John's driving capabilities i do not intrude

To the upholder of the law this came as a huge surprise
To book John for careless driving would not be a good idea he came to realize
To John and to Wonky with a wave he did say
Goodbye and good luck and enjoy the rest of your day

As the policeman drove his patrol car to the police station at Warrnambool
He said to himself that bird made me look a fool
Of my experience today anyone i dare not tell
As they would come to the conclusion that i am not mentally well.

April In Duhallow

 In her nest of sticks she sits on her brown dotted blue eggs the silver backed crow
High on a beech tree near where the Blackwater River flow
A cool April wind from the Boggeraghs blow
And a male pheasant is cucking where the rank rushes grow

Wildflowers in the fields and warmer days near
April in Duhallow is a nice time of year
To many a familiar voice of the Spring
On a silver birch tree a male chaffinch sing

Above the old fields chasing flying insects all day
The swallows back home from Lands far away
With nests for to build and eggs for to lay
They will have young nestlings to care for in May

A small species of corvid of humans not that shy
The jackdaws to chimneys with sticks for their nests fly
Because they block their chimneys some home owners with them not impressed
They look on the black and grey birds as a pest

Cattle out of wintering sheds from months of eating silage and hay
On nutritious young grass gaining weight by the day
Near where the Blackwater River swollen by many a river and rill
Babbles it's way through Duhallow it's dark tongue never still.

Their Likes And Dislikes

 People have their likes and dislikes one does have to suppose
One person's weed is another one's rose
A familiar old saying from the long ago
Sayings are just sayings happens for to be so
No two people in the World that one could name
Who in every way think exactly the same
Through different eyes difference we does see
Sameness can be boring would you not agree
We learn as we live something new every day
This is how human life works it has always been this way
We all look at things in our ways differently
What is interesting to you may not be so to me
It is said that from life we receive what is only our due
But many will tell you that this is not true.

Saturday, April 17, 2021

On The Passing Of Prince Philip

 In the living flesh never more to be seen
Prince Philip the long term husband of Elizabeth the Queen
Of Britain, Northern Ireland and British Commonwealth Countries in numbers dwindling fast
In what was a great Empire of the past

That Philip had many admirers does go without doubt
But i for one cannot see what all the fuss is about
For one who had died at the great age of ninety nine years
Yet at his passing so many royal watchers shed tears

Husband of Elizabeth the Monarch of  Britain for seventy years of his life
Quite a long time for two people to live as man and wife
That he was a great person his admirers agree
Though he did not seem anywhere near to great to me

So many great people far too many to name
Far greater than Philip ever was who died as strangers to wealth and fame
People who lived at the wrong end of the social divide
The unsung of the cemeteries of Countries Worldwide

So many good things of him written and said
Farewell to Prince Philip he is now of the dead
To his admirers his passing a huge loss to humanity
But to say the least i see it quite differently.

With Low Self Esteem

 He is one of those people who struggles with self doubt
And the tribulations of living he knows all about
Lacking in self confidence yet kind in his way
An ill word of anyone he never has to say
But mentally on himself he is quite tough
As he feels he is one who is not good enough
He feels he does lack in material success
Though others he never does wish to impress
One of the kind and compassionate people on his side of the town
He never ignores the financially down
Always helping people of helping in need
For his future good Karma he sows the good seed
Yet none of us perfect is how it does seem 
He is one who struggles with low self esteem.

A Warm April Day

 Earthly Utopia cannot be far away
From the coastal Moyne Shire on this beautiful day
For April quite warm over thirty degrees
With only the slightest of a warm coastal breeze
That gently stir the leaves of the tall sunlit trees
And the warm air full of the buzzing of bush flies and bees
Wherever i turn to look beauty i see
Nature at her finest is all around me
Such beautiful weather for the time of year
Who would believe the calendar Winter is near
With the sun on their dark wings chirping as they fly
The swallows chasing flying insects in the blue and grey sky
And the paddocks looking quite green after the recent rain
With such beautiful weather how could one complain.

Friday, April 16, 2021

A Rabbit Needing Glasses

 There may be some truth in that eating carrots is good for the eyes
Though to laughs of derision this well may give rise
Most will tell you that carrots in stew add to the culinary delight
But rabbits enjoy eating raw carrots and they do have good sight
A rabbit needing glasses one never does see
When you come into their view into the safety of their burrows they flee
They prefer eating carrots to grass and one has to agree
That the poor sighted rabbit is not myxomatosis free
You will never see rabbits nibbling at or eating meat
But carrots to their taste buds an enjoyable treat
Poorly sighted human beings as ever not rare
And some at a young age glasses have to wear
But like rabbits if they eat raw carrots spectacles they may not need
In their daily newspaper the small print to read.

Hard To Impress

 They are people worth knowing those who never desire
Just to be like the people so many admire
The wealthy and famous of the Human World of today
To live and be like others it is not their way
The praises of celebrities you never hear them sing
They just live in their own way and do their own thing
They do not even desire local renown
And are happy to live as the not well known of the town
To be admired by others in life not their role
And they do have their egos well under control
They do not yearn for material or financial success
And they live as the people who are hard to impress
They do not wish to become a multi millionaire
And they are worth knowing since their sort are rare.

What A Warm Day For April

 What a warm day for April today it is thirty degrees
And the balmy air full of the buzzing of bush flies and bees
With the sun on their dark wings chirping as they fly
The swallows are chasing flying insects in the sky
Relaxing out of the sun in the heat of the day
The cattle chewing their cuds in the shade of the trees lay
And the flute like warbling of the birds who sing every day of the year
The silver billed magpies is so pleasant to hear
The countryside looking so green after the recent rain
With such marvellous weather one ought not to complain
Around the sunlit bushes and trees
White butterflies seemingly dancing in the breeze
The weather warmer now than it was in January and February which seems rather strange
But then we are in the age of Climate Change.

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Only The Memories

 Good Memories today are all i do retain
Of the what used to be but will not be again
When the travellers parked their horse drawn vans at the Shannaknock Cross
Time with it that brings change can leave a sense of loss

They loved their brown and white pinto horses that at horse fairs they bought and sold
And though their history a sad one it does deserve to be told
The descendants of the poor evicted by Cromwell left to survive on the roadway
That they did not have any life choices of them one can say

But as a people they seemed happy despite their poverty
And at night around their campfires they told stories, sung and played music though this is now history
In the late nineteen fifties  increased motorized traffic to their ways of travel brought change
And the Shannaknock Cross without it's parked romany vans seemed to say the least strange

They were fine storytellers, musicians and singers and enjoyed their nomadic lives
Travelling in their horse drawn vans with their children and wives
And only the memories today do remain 
Of the what used to be never to be again.

The Musheramore Wind Turbines

 Objections are many in fact by the score
Against the proposed wind turbines of Musheramore
Though the praises of wind power as a clean form of electricity many do sing
Widespread agreement this does fail to bring
On saying that wind turbines on the high ground are not pleasant to view
That they produce a clean form of energy is not saying what is new
Musheramore above Millstreet Town will be like a once beautiful person with ugly scars on it's face
Tourists who have driven on the steep and narrow Butter Road remember it as a beautiful place
But if wind turbines cut back on carbon emissions this for the natural environment cannot be bad
That once beautiful places due to wind turbines on them are no longer beautiful does seem a bit sad
If the Musheramore objectors have a win there can be little doubt
That natural beauty too will be a winner though Climate Change will not lose out
Human anti Climate Change creations to natural beauty a foe
But for winners there are losers happens to be so.

Let Us Hear The Hooray

 Does not matter if you work for below award wages pay
Any job is better than no job government politicians do say
Though some are paid less for a hard month's work than politicians are paid for a day
And there is nothing in this that is fair or okay

The politicians that say any job is better than no job should resign their parliamentary seats and for a low paid job  apply
And if they think living in poverty is all that good they should give it a try
And become one of those who help to create another multi millionaire
What is fair to the privileged minority to the exploited majority is totally unfair

Most governments only legislate for the wealthy side of the town
And show no interest in the lives of the poor and the financially down
Whilst the gap between the wealthy and the poor keeps on growing ever wide
For any government on the ignoring of the needs of poor people there is no sense of pride

Those who say that all people are equal believe their own lie
Though the paupers become equal on the day they do die
To the town's former wealthiest person who in the cemetery lay
For the only true egalatarian the Reaper of Lives let us hear the hooray.

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Quite Warm For April

 The sun shining bright in a sky blue and grey
For the far southern April it is such a beautiful day
A large flock of silver gulls eating sea lice washed ashore on the beach of the bay
Nature's beauty is unrivalled in truth one can say
The World's greatest beauty is in Nature to see
And for to view to everyone is monetary free
The flute like warbling of the birds who sing every day of the year
The silver billed magpies always pleasant to hear
Such beauty the artists and writers inspire
Of singing the praises of Nature one never could tire
She has some new surprise for us every day
And her wonders are many in truth one can say
With only the slightest of a coastal breeze
Quite warm for April close to thirty degrees.

We Learn As We live

 We learn as we live something new every day
For as long as we live in truth one can say
And for life's tougher lessons the price can be huge to pay
This is how it does work and it has always been this way
Since of the needs of the self they are only aware
Those who live for self only are no longer rare
And the Human World of their sort of more is not in need
Since of good Karma they never do plant the good seed
But humanity needs more of the caring and kind
Those who in the helping of others are alwaays willingly inclined
For those doing it tough they make the Human World better to live in
If everyone were only like them for humanity it would be a huge win
As the Human World of poverty it would be free
And how very wonderful this surely would be.

The Book By The Cover

 One can say of him he does have a false smile
For he is a fellow who is not free of guile
Not as nice a person as he appears to be
The soul in the mind others never does see
Most of those who have had dealings with him of him does say
That they are not on speaking terms with him today
For the trust they placed on him a financial price they did pay
Because of him they are much poorer today
Many of the not trustworthy do not find it hard to smile
But this can be quite a good cover for guile
And the reason for new friends for him harder to be found
Is that the word about him it has got around
A false image of himself to others he does portray
That one cannot judge the book by the cover remains relevant today.

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

An Open Marriage

 On Saturday whilst Jim is playing tennis with his friend Fred
His wife Anne is at home in bed
Having you guess what with her neighbour Stan
In his late twenties a virile young man

Jim and Anne in their late sixties grandparents well past their physical prime
And physically showing the wear of time 
Though living under the one roof apart in their ways they have grown
And nowadays they do have lives of their own

That young Stan is Anne's lover Jim is aware
Though of this he does not even seem to care
With Jane a fifty years old divorcee with blond dyed hair
He is having his own love affair

Legally they live as man and wife
But any passion between them has gone out of their life
Though on speaking terms it can be said
That any strong feelings of love between them is dead

Their's is an open marriage in truth one can say
And this is not unusual in the World of today
Between Jim and Anne in their loveless marriage there is no jealousy
Of any guilt they both feel free.

A Thing That Anybody Can Write

 Since i am one unworthy of literary note
I never lay claim to the title of poet
Such an honour to others i feel happy to leave
On each to their own one does have to believe
But rhymes are a thing that anybody can write
And are not hard to understand or to read or recite
And i ought to know i write them every day
And this does not take much brainwork in truth one can say
No shortage of my sort in any city or town
But few rhymers do make it to literary renown
Not the most popular form of literature in the literary World of today
Though rhyme did have it's innings in truth one can say
Of the praises of rhymers or rhyme you will not hear many sing
It was more of a nineteenth and twentieth century literary thing.

The Kind And Compassionate

 Of more kind and compassionate people the human World is in need
The people who often sow Karma's good seed
By performing a good deed or two every day
On helping poor people without asking for pay
The kind and compassionate are great people for to give them their due
And to their higher selves they remain ever true
Yet they are never among the admired of their side of the town
There is never much recognition for those who help the financially down
Of their sort a few of i only do know
And my admiration and respect for them only does grow
If everyone were only like them how great this this would be
The Human World it would be poverty free
And though they do their best to combat poverty
Sadly the kind and compassionate are in the minority.

Monday, April 12, 2021

Such A Beautiful Day

 In the sunny mostly blue sky just a few clouds of grey
For the second last day of March such a beautiful day
Just a few  weeks short of the prime of the far southern Fall
The best Autumn weather in memory that a local ageing resident can recall
A weather temperature high for the day of a pleasant twenty degrees
And white butterflies seemingly dancing in the gentle breeze
And the warm air full of the buzzing of wild honeybees
Gathering nectar from the white blossoms of the flowering gum trees
With such pleasant weather few would choose to complain
The coastal Moyne Shire looking green after the recent rain
Of the birds who do sing every day of the year
The warbling of the magpies is pleasant to hear
Such a beautiful day to be alive
Just to go for a walk or go on a country drive.

You Look At The Man

 You look at the man who abuses his wife
He is only repeating the lessons of his young life
When he often see his mum being bashed by his dad
In most people there is some reason in behaviour that is bad
Though not every man who has an abusive childhood behaves in this way
Past experiences on each individual works differently  in truth one can say
Most of the males who abuse their wives or partners and children in their own childhood knew of abuse
Though their bad behaviour in the family home is hard to excuse
There are males abusing women and children in every town
These criminally minded men do leave the male kind down
But in truth violent males are in the minority
The most males love their wives and children as many would agree
But most of the men who are violent to their partners and family
Are only repeating what they witnessed in their past history.

The Longer You Live

 There is fact in the old song and fact never lie
That the longer you live the sooner you will die
To all humans including all other life forms death does apply
That we are born to mortality none ought to deny
Death does not treat anyone as a friend
The life journey for all does come to an end
Between the paupers aand those of great wealth and fame
Death does not differentiate it treats as the same
Of the praises of death you will not hear many sing
Even the thought of it to many is a scary thing
But it is a thing that is natural in truth one can say
Babies are born and people are dying every day
Yes the longer you live the sooner you will die
Just a mere fact of life and fact never lie.

Sunday, April 11, 2021

Superb Lyrebirds

 The male superb lyrebird the greatest bird mimic of all
In his song he imitates the noise and sound of animals and machinery and every local bird's song or call
In Winter the female builds a stick nest mostly in a trees stump and one large green pink dotted egg does lay
Whilst the male no part in fatherhood ever does play
On his mound with his long lyre shaped tail raised over his back the male does sing
Incorporating the songs of others birds to listen to a beautiful thing
Lyrebirds greyish brown pheasant sized birds in Australian south eastern forests reside
Famed for the mimicry in their songs by ornithologists Worldwide
Like their cousins the albert lyrebirds they are becoming rare
As people into bird conservation are only too awaare
Once seen and once heard you will know them again
Their excellent imitations of the songs of other birds in their own song with you will remain
Among Nature lovers they are birds that are loved and known
And of them one can say they are in a class of their own.

What We Dislike In Others

 What we dislike in others in ourselves we see
As they are our mind's reflective mirror though many with this would not agree
The person who seems likeable to you may not be so to me
At least anyway this is how it seems to be
People we like and dislike we do meet every day
Perhaps others are our reflective mirrors it would seem this way
Mind games people with those they do not like play
This is part of being human one only can say
For our strong emotions and feelings it is obviously clear
To perfection not many living people are near
She or he is a rare one the living saint
In fact is there one living who is free of taint?
What we dislike in others we dislike in ourselves may well be true
A time old saying that some credence is due.

Never Too Small

 If you can bring joy to somebody's day
In something you do for them or to them do say
The seeds of good Karma you are helping to sow
Since kindness to others you are willing to show
Kindness towards others has it's source in respect
It does have in it the ripple effect
In just to show that of the needs of others you are aware
When with them you do have kind words for to share
A kind word of greeting to a stranger feeling mentally down
That you may never more meet as you walk in the town
To many may not seems as important at all
But any act of kindness is never too small
When the spirits of one feeling sad you do raise
You are indeed a person well worthy of praise.

Saturday, April 10, 2021

Where Mine Years Ago

 Where mine years ago was a well known face
Today i would be a stranger to most people in my first homeplace
From there in distance i live far away
And i have not been to there for many a day

It has been thirty five years when walking with my dog
that i last heard the curlews piping in Mattie Owens bog
On a balmy evening in the prime of the Spring
When the nesting songbirds did whistle and sing

In a field to her calf by old River Finnow 
Just after sundown the soft lowing of a cow
That such pleasant memories in the mind does stay
Despite time's erosion only true to say

Despite years of absence old memories remain
And in fancy i often walk in the old fields again
Where i grew to love Nature when i was a boy
And far south of there learning about her today i enjoy.

He Often Do Think

 He often do think of his first hometown far away
And the games with his friends as a child he did play
Some of them as he is are ageing migrants today
And some in the hometown did choose for to stay
And where all the deceased are some at peace do lay
On how long we live we do not have a say
On Summer evenings in the park of the town
With his young friends he chased the football up and down
Long before time it did become his foe
But going back the years this now seems long ago
An octogenarian widowed great granddad time has left him walking slow
Balding and grey haired the years on him show
And only the memories with him now remain
Of what used to be for him but will not be again.

From Life We Do Learn

 From life we do learn something new every day
We never stop learning in truth one can say
But knowledge on bushes and trees does not grow
And the more we do learn the more we realize so little we know
Life has many lessons to us for to give
And every day we learn something new for as long as we live
But for some of life's lessons the price can be high to pay
This is how it is life works in this way
Some lessons in life do come at a cost
When trust is betrayed and friendships are lost
The mistakes we have made we may live to regret
And the lessons we learn from them we will never forget
That life has it's lessons only true for to say
And we learn as we live something new every day.

Friday, April 9, 2021


Writing rhyme will never become your ticket to fame
And from doing it you will never grow wealthy and become a great literary name
Only a poet or poetess on the literary success hill climb to the top
Though some of them out of literary favour known to quickly drop
That anybody can write rhyme does seem true to say
And no shortage of rhymers in the World of today
And though many may see it as a waste of time
Rhymers do find pleasure in writing rhyme
And rhymers add to their numbers of rhymes every day
And few of them ever give rhyming away
But the literary critics never recognize a rhymer as a poetess or poet
And dismiss them as unworthy of any literary note
Though from rhyming they never know of wealth and fame
Rhymers enjoy writing rhymes just the same.

The New South Wales Floods

 In New South Wales recent flooding many a town and flooded countryside
Where thousands of domestic and wildborn creatures have died
As well as other life forms and a couple of people as well
People who live in the flooded areas have sad stories to tell
Of flood damage to their homes and properties which comes to them at a huge financial cost
And farmers do grieve for horses, cattle and sheep and other livestock they have lost
Animals they cannot afford to replace by Nature's anger destroyed
That Global Warming on extreme changes in weather behaviour plays some part cannot be denied
With human created carbon dioxide emissions not much for us to celebrate
Death and destruction due to flooding in New South Wales of late
Nature has grown angrier in Countries Worldwide
And from her anger for us humans nowhere safe for to hide
The Earth that does feed us we abuse every day
And to Nature for this a huge price we do pay.

Noel Pearson

 Noel Pearson the great Indigenous Australian leader knows what he is talking about
That the first Australian people are treated as second class citizens in their own Land he leaves nobody in doubt
They do not have a voice to Parliament Australia's indigenous race
That in the twenty first century young  Indigenous Australian's are dying in police custody is surely a National disgrace
Dying mostly at their own hands the bitter truth all Australians must face
That there is uncalled for discrimination in Australia against the people who should take pride of place
As the first people of Australia this vast and wonderful Land
That a great Indigenous leader like Noel Pearson should feel so disappointed should not be hard to understand
That they do not have a voice to Parliament in the twenty first century
And that many young indigenous people are living in dire poverty
They have suffered under white Australian Governments their children stolen from them going back a few decades of years
In massacres and discrimination colonization has brought to them suffering and tears
But thanks to leaders like Noel Pearson of Australia's first people better days may be ahead
And to be recognized in the Country's Constitution hope for them it is not dead.

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Some People

 Some people are born into life others for to impress
To outcompete all of their competitors in their race to success
And though the praises of wealthy celebrities many may sing
Success as is said can be a relative thing
In a Human World where so called losers are many and big winners are few
That equalty does not exist is not saying what is new
And why somebody always does lose for another to gain
Is something that is way beyond me to explain
Those who dream of becoming wealthy and famous are not of the rare
Though not everyone can become a multi millionaire
And the humble of mind becoming rarer Worldwide
Whilst the gap keeps on increasing in the social divide
A sad enough Human World to live in it does seem
Where money and fame brings one high public esteem.

It Is Understandable

 It is understandable that some of them feel they may be better off dead
When at night they do not have a roof over their head 
To shelter them from the frost and the wind and the rain
The reasom many of them are without hope for times better how they live does explain
The poorest of the poor of the poor side of the town
Who will never know of wealth and renown
Those who talk of life choices for all do not know what they are on about
For the poor of the poor suburb life's choices are out
Survival for them in life is from day to day
Since the few of them who have jobs work for the lowest of pay
Life choices for all is surely a lie
In the suburb where many at a young age do die
The gap between the wealthy and the poor is growing by the day
And this seems a sad thing for to have to say.