Tuesday, August 17, 2010

On Tony Blair

The royalties of his book to British Iraq war victims he donate
Though some do say for Tony Blair too little and too late
That his guilt will not return to life Iraq's war dead
Or save the lives of victims of terrorism in Iraq in the years ahead
But in professing his remorse Tony Blair does have a conscience it does seem
Unlike George W Bush or John Howard who show no guilt or loss of self esteem
At the sadness and death and suffering they caused to Iraq
A life once taken cannot be given back
At least Tony Blair remorse for his errors does show
He has feelings that much of him we do know
It takes courage and humility to feel you may be wrong
The likes of Bush and Howard could never be that strong
And due to terrorism that has it's source in war Iraqis dying every day
For every war the price as such is always huge to pay.

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