Sunday, October 17, 2010

At The Fall Of The Despot

The people who have been oppressed for decades may cheer at the dictator's downfall
But if their new leader is just another despot their sense of joy seems wasted overall
When the fall of one despot gives rise to one similar there is no reason to celebrate
No free speech or freedom of association in any non democratic State
Without full human rights there's no freedom if the government at your peril you criticize
That far too many such Nations seems a sad thing to realize
Even so called democratic Countries with the death penalty in place do not seem free to me
Though many with my way of thinking I know would never agree
A life for a life is barbaric and it does seem quite morally wrong
To the long gone and unenlightened ages such a practice ought to belong
Worldwide the governments who offer full freedom to their citizens to say the least few
On saying this you may well remind me that I am not saying anything that is new
The masses celebrate at the overthrow of the dictator but they seem to fail to realize
That the fall of one despot quite often to one just as bad does give rise.

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