Saturday, January 1, 2011

Those Who Start A False Nasty Rumor

Those who start a false nasty rumor on another person to karma have a huge price to pay
Their shameful lies will return to haunt them perhaps in not in the too distant day
What goes around always does come around as some people do like to say
We receive from life what we put into it since life does seem to work in that way
To tell harmful lies about another person seems wrong and criminal to me
Reputation destroyers far from good people with that most could only agree
Why people should choose to do such things is way beyond me to explain
Their venomous lies very harmful and the slur with their victim remain
Perhaps for as long as that person does live that's how serious defamatory lies are
Some people do take their grudges and jealousies far more than a little too far
Like 'tis said about mud it does stick and there is mud in defamatory lies
That are started in damaging whispers and hurt more than one realize
But those who tell defamatory lies on another will receive the Karma they are due
For Karma applies to all people and that i believe to be true.

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